Friday, April 03, 2020

Red Hot and Blue: Warm Potato Salad

This is it, folks.  The bestest, most awesome potato salad.  And interestingly, also probably the easiest.  This definitely has less ingredients than the other delicious varieties I've made.  And yet, it's somehow....special.  Maybe it's the fact that it's served still a bit warm, so you don't have to wait an hour or two for everything to sit in the fridge.  Maybe it's the rustic feel of it.  Whatever it is, I highly recommend that you try it.

Warm Potato Salad
From Red Hot and Blue, as seen at

4 pounds Red Bliss potatoes
4 large eggs
½ cup finely chopped green onion, light and dark green parts only
1¼ cups Duke's mayonnaise
1¾ teaspoons celery seeds
2 teaspoons sea salt

Steam the potatoes in their skins for approximately 45 minutes. Set aside until cool enough to handle. Hard boil the eggs, then do the same. When cool enough, peel the eggs ONLY (do NOT peel the potatoes - the skin gives the salad part of its unique texture and taste).

In a large bowl, mix the remaining ingredients together until thoroughly mixed. Chop the potatoes and eggs into bite-size pieces and add to bowl. Mix GENTLY - you want salad, not mush - until blended.

Serve at room temperature for up to 2 hours after making and refrigerate leftovers. It tastes best when room temperature, but is delicious cold, too, so if you are making this in advance, it's fine to chill it.

Makes 12 servings

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